
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Doomsday Preppers Should Be Prepared for the Long Haul

When preparing for doomsday, doomsday preppers should prepare for the long haul. One of the more important things to consider is how will you obtain food once your food supply is depleted.

You can bet that all of the food in grocery stores will disappear quickly once chaos begins. If you have a food store, you can live on this for awhile but eventually it will run out. This will mean that you now will have to grow food, hunt and kill animals for food, or catch animals for food. If you do not have weapons and have never hunted or if you have run out of bullets for your hunting weapons, you can fish for food or you can catch animals by using traps or snares. Leghold traps are pretty bulky but will come in handy at your base camp. Live traps, like Havahart traps are pretty expensive but also can be used to catch a variety of wild animals.

Snares are pretty light so you can have a couple in your bug-out bag. If you don't have room in your survival bag, you can store your traps and snares at your base camp. Catching animals with a snare is an art that is acquired through a lot of practice. However, it is effective and once chaos hits using snares can possibly save your life. If you are going to buy snares, I recommend 30 inch to 36 inch light wire snares designed to catch small animals like rabbits.

Remember to have fishing line and hooks in your bug-out bag. And, of course, you should have a sharp knife. With your knife, you can make a pretty good fishing pole out of a tree branch. To do this, you want to whittle the bark off of the tip (last few inches) of a 6 foot long branch. You then take your knife and cut straight down into the whittled off section and create a cut groove all the way around the branch. You then take your fishing line and wind it around the groove several times. Tie your hook on and find something for bait and you are ready to catch fish.

If you are in the woods, one of the easiest animals to catch for food is the porcupine. It's not that a porcupine is slow but rather it really is not too afraid of humans. You can walk right up to them and then they sense your presence and they stop and stiffen up their quills. One sharp blow to their head with a sturdy stick and you have a meal.

If you are lucky to have farmable land, you certainly can grow your own vegetables. It won't be easy though if there is no more gasoline to run power equipment. You will need shovels or hoes or even a hatchet so that you can break up grass sod to plant your seeds.

Every doomsday prepper should have stored seeds for vegetables that they like. These seeds should not be the ones you buy at regular stores but instead should be stored properly so that they last years.

If you catch fish or animals for food, chances are you would like to cook them and you should. By cooking your animals, you get rid of potentially dangerous bacteria or disease they may carry. In the first newsletter that you will receive, we'll discuss ways to start fires so that you can keep warm and cook food.  Sign up for our FREE Newsletters right here ===>GET NEWSLETTERS<======