
Friday, November 18, 2016

Our Secret Bug-Out Spot

If a serious disaster strikes that paralyzes your city you should think seriously about bugging out. Our group has a designated meeting area in the middle of nowhere just in case this happens.  If you want to be part of our group, just fill in our contact form to the right.

Our meeting area has been chosen for a lot of factors and will get us through a long time.  There are the necessities of life such as clean water, an ample supply of wild food both vegetative and game and plenty of wood for fires and lodging.

Remember that the United States only has a three day supply of food in the supermarkets at any one time.  But we're skeptical about this.  Can you imagine the looting that will occur after day one?  People are going to kill for food and if you are a Prepper you don't want to be unprepared without food and having to chance going to a supermarket to get it.

Also, if you are one that has decided to hunker down and wait out a disaster you should have plenty of food on hand.  One of the problems with this is that once everybody else runs out of food they are going to be breaking into your house to get it.

So you have to decide if you are going to shoot everyone that is attempting to get into your house or if you are just going to leave it and bug out for a while.  Some of us choose to just get the hell out of the cities and bug-out.

Power outages are going to render the gas stations useless.  If you have a full tank of gas in your car you might be able to get a few hundred miles but most likely the National Guard will block highways and try to keep people in the cities.  A more efficient way to travel is a mountain bike with a spare inner tube and patch kit in your bug-out bag.

If you don't have a bike, make sure you have a good bug-out bag and can take off at a minutes notice. Being a Prepper means that you are prepared for a disaster to happen.  So always have a plan just in case.

Some of the best Prepper food is made by Wise.  They have all kinds of different foods that have a very long shelf life and can get you by in an emergency for one day or many days.  Please do not be naive and think your friends will share their food with you.  They will need it to get by also.  A better approach is for a group of people to all go in and split the cost of emergency food.  And, the food tastes good so you can eat it every year or so and replace it if you want to.  The key is to always have an ample supply because nobody knows when it will be necessary. If you would like to buy emergency preparedness food, please click on the link below:
Buy Wise Company Emergency Food Kits Now!